The Craftydevil Speaks

Welcome to The Craftydevil Speaks!

I'm excited to be making this, my first blog post!

 If crafting has taught me anything, it has taught me that patience, working methodically, keeping a neat, orderly and organized enviroment, knowing how and what your supplies are for and can do (do lots of experiments!) will result in a finished piece you can be proud of and worthy of displaying in your home, give as a gift or sell for a profit. If the first one does not turn out perfect, that's ok, learn from it and try again. You'll get better with each one you make  and perfect it. Choose a craft that is in your comfort zone. It may take a while to find what you are good at, but with experimentation you'll find the craft that suits you. 

There are times when I start a project and then get part way through it and don't know where to go from there. Something is lacking or just not balanced and I can't seem to come up with the right answer. My solution is to set it aside where I can see it, pick supplies that could possibly go with it and go on to something else I feel compelled to make. Sometimes I guess I'm just tired and it's time to quit or I've been working on it so long that after a break or sit down the next day, I finish it in no time, wondering what was my problem earlier. Crafting often is about problem solving. Designing something you have never made before takes patience and perserverance. If you sell your crafts and you take custom orders, being able to problem solve is a big part of the game. Be a good listener and take plenty of notes of what they want, like and need. Ask questions and present different options for them. To secure the sale you have to show that your confident that they're not wasting money ordering from you.  Most people cannot visualize what exactly it it they want, so you have to project that to them. It's not much different than working with a designer to remodel your home.

So in the coming weeks, I will be bringing you ideas that will make your projects easier to make and offer some projects to create.

Have a great week!

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